czwartek, 2 stycznia 2014

The One with Sleeping Under the Christmas Tree

We're staying at my Mum's. Tigger and me. I'm studying to some preposterous mid-term exams and his playing with Grandparents. Going through some reading assignments (i.e. something about the Chinese grammar) I just wonder what the heck is actually my major. Well, I won't win with the system so better just do it right? Anyway... Putting my Nugget to sleep wasn't an easy task. It never is. this little man just hates sleeping and I really mean hates it. since he was a wee thing he would fight with all his might to stay awake. He sill does. He just wants to stay with me. I don't blame him. I like to stay with him as well, but hey little man, you do need to charge your batteries or you will make our lives pretty miserable. 
He's sleeping in a room with the Christmas Tree. I remember being little girl (I was maybe 4 or 5) used to love to sleep under the tree. I would take my fav pillow, the one my Mum made for me when I was born (still have it and it travels with me everywhere I go. Fiance thinks it looks awful, which it does but I love it too much. It just has the perfect shape, and fits my head and it's always cold which is THE best), and my monkey and I would just lay under the tree and look at the lights and fall asleep. It looked like Tigger wanted to do exactly the same. My boy. He just laid on the floor and refused to be moved. So I put some extra blankets there and laid with him, his warm, soft hand in mine, stroking his hair and telling him the adventures of a little yellow tractor (obviously it had to be a tractor these days). I felt like that 5 year old again. I looked at my sleeping boy, so peaceful and content and couldn't believe his actually mine. How did you get there? 

And today he just surprised me with drawing this perfect little tractor. all by himself. Not too bad for two year old huh? I am very proud Mummy today.

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