środa, 8 stycznia 2014

The One with... Letter to My Baby

" I can hear your heart beating"

To my Son, sleeping quietly in his crib, with his face buried in the softness of his best giraffy friend.

Thank you.

For brightening my life with your laughs and giggles
For putting everything into right perspective
For teaching me to notice the smallest bug hidden in the grass
For filling my days with books and crawling and silliness
For showing me how big the smallest things can be
For wet kisses and late night cuddles
For waking me up with the soft brush of your warm hand on my cheek
For just being YOU

I hope to be a mother you need
I hope to be able to show you how beautiful the world is
I hope to help you become the man you want to be
I hope one day you turn around and say "This is my Mum" with the same pride I can say now "This is my Son"

Your Mum

1 komentarz:

  1. Przeczytałam Twojego posta i wzruszylam sie. Moje zycie byloby puste bez ubloconych spodenek, zabawy w pieski i lowieniu wyimaginowanych ryb w Kennet and Avon Canal. Czasem dobrze jest sobie o tym przypomniec... [V.]
