czwartek, 9 stycznia 2014

The One With Stock Taking

We're still at my parents' where the only rule is: there's no rule. It usually my Dad who puts Adam for a nap. Tonight Adam was rather too energetic to go to sleep so Dad used his bare legs as a track for a plastic bus. Adam loved it so much that he nearly fell asleep right there.

I found this stock taking on this blog and loved it. Especially with the New Year and all. So here we go...

Making : another quiet book for my little boy. It takes ages as my MA is getting in its way
Cooking : nothing. This week we're crashing at my Mum's and she's doing all the cooking for us
Drinking : endless see of tea. And blackcurrent juice from her pantry
Reading: a book on economy. Not my choice though. 440 pages of boring stuff for school.
Wanting: the mid-term exams to be over and passed
Looking: at my little boy and wondering when did he get so grown up
Playing: on the floor, helping him getting his cars from imaginary mud
Wasting: time writing paper on Sino-Japanese tetrads
Sewing: felt finger puppets of Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit and Winnie the Pooh
Wishing: to get a night of interrupted sleep
Enjoying: this extra time with my parents
Waiting: for Adam to fall asleep
Liking: the way Adam  brushes my skin after he bumped into me, blows at it and gives me a kiss
Wondering: when I will hear the very first "I love you" from my son
Loving: the growing relationship between my two boys. It good to have M at home all the time
Hoping: for an early Spring
Marvelling: at the speed Adam is doing 20-piece puzzle
Needing: new monile with good camera
Smelling: pancaces with cheese my Mum makes right now
Wearing: PJs
Following: the triathlon training plan
Noticing: how squicky the floor boards are. Especially when Adam is sleeping
Knowing: that it's going to snow over the weekend. It always does on my Uni weekends
Thinking: about my Granny
Feeling: tired, happy, loved
Bookmarking: my new Gu cookbook
Opening: my eyes to see the most beautiful genuine smile
Giggling: constantly

środa, 8 stycznia 2014

The One with... Letter to My Baby

" I can hear your heart beating"

To my Son, sleeping quietly in his crib, with his face buried in the softness of his best giraffy friend.

Thank you.

For brightening my life with your laughs and giggles
For putting everything into right perspective
For teaching me to notice the smallest bug hidden in the grass
For filling my days with books and crawling and silliness
For showing me how big the smallest things can be
For wet kisses and late night cuddles
For waking me up with the soft brush of your warm hand on my cheek
For just being YOU

I hope to be a mother you need
I hope to be able to show you how beautiful the world is
I hope to help you become the man you want to be
I hope one day you turn around and say "This is my Mum" with the same pride I can say now "This is my Son"

Your Mum

wtorek, 7 stycznia 2014

The One With the Stars

My sweet boy is napping (how many more of these do we have left?), my Mum is making a delicious luch for us and I'm trying to memorise all 256 words from English Banking and Economy. 
Last night when I was cycling home I could admire beautiful sky full of stars and Moon. That's the advantage of living in the country, few street lamps = amazing night sky.  I just though: "Adam would love this"   That's the most frequently thought and said phrase recently. Even though, very often Adi couldn't give a monkey about that. But this time he did. Just before bedtime, after reading for a gazzillionth time "Where's the cake?" and "Tadek's tractor" we turned off the lights and stared in awe at the blackness of the night sky lit with small bright points of stars. 
"Moo, moo" he said pointing at the crescent shape (yep, still at first-syllable-onlyfigure-it-out-what-I-meant stage). 
I never thought moderhood would be so rewarding. The discoveries of the most mundane of things. For him and for myself too.

poniedziałek, 6 stycznia 2014

The One With: swimming pool and Happy Monday

I took Adam to the swimming pool yesterday. It was really ad hoc as my sis called me 2 hours earlier saying they were going and asking if we wanted to come along. Sure thing we wanted. Although M prefered to cycle in the rain instead. Suit yourself then. Adam loved it. He's a sharkie, this little boy. Splashing and all that stuff. He spent most of the time in the shallow pool playing with his new rubber friends. And he absolutely adored jaccuzzi. Can't blame him, really. 

He still has trouble sleeping at night. He wakes up, usually once, and it takes him up to 2hrs to go back to sleep. Can't find the solution to that. But I love morning Adam. He comes to our room ( I pretend to be asleep) , stands next to our bed and either stands there silently waiting for me to wake up or he puts his warm hand on my cheek. Really, really softly. I open my eyes, look at him and there it is. The sweetest, most genuine smile that lightens up his entire face. Pure happiness only because he sees me and I'm awake. "Hey" I say "Good Morning". "Hey" he sais back. Usually I get the morning kiss as well. It's such a treat. To be a Mama of this clever, sweet boy. 

I had to run away again today as my exams starts on Saturday and I'm so behind with the material. He went for a walk with M and I cycled to my Mum's. It was good to actually do something sportswise. Winter is really good to us this year. January and we have +10C instead of -15. I'm so out of shape, I realised. It's going to be hard work, the next 7months leading to my very first triathlon. So looking forward to it. 

Happy Monday everyone out there

sobota, 4 stycznia 2014

The One with Studying, Running and Playing

Tigger woke up at 6 this morning. after sleeping through the night. I guess it's better than waking up between 3 and 5am and then sleeping till 8-9 which totally disrupts our daily routine. By 8.30 I was already having breakfast after ... wait for it.... nice 2 -mile jog in the forest. Yes, I did it. I started my running year. Well, the triathlon won't run itself, so I better start preparing.  I was racing a doe. For 2 seconds, that is. and then she was gone.

So I'm trying to study, right? Last Summer I told myself that next time (meaning now) I will start studying waaaay sooner and not the last week before the exams. Rrrrright. How could I possibly do that with Christmas and New Year and Grandma's b'day? Impossible, right? Thanks Heavens for my parents who are helping me immensely. I just leave Mr Tigger with them knowing that he's well fed and rested and spends some quality time instead of just being on his own (meaning playing on his own). Like he knows how to do that <chuckles>. He used to be pretty good at it, the independent play, but recently everything is funnier with Mama <proud> <exhausted>. 
So today I just run away and hid next door at Grandma's house. She was happy to have company, even the silent one, and I had few undisturbed hours for myself. It was good, I managed to revise the vocabulary (it turned out I already know 40% of it) and read one chapter of incredibly boring book on economy. Then we had a nice chat with Grams over a cup of tea. 

This morning we played hide and seek. He told me to hide in his toy house and closed his eyes. I looked like Alice after drinking growing potion. My feet sticking out. And then we played a game invented by Tigger. He put his hand on my forehead and push me slightly telling me to lie down on the carpet and then he closed his eyes several times showing me to do the same. So I did. He sat on a stool next to me and we just sat-lied like that, in silence, for several minutes. Explanation: I was "sleeping" and he was watching over me. Apparently it's Grandpa's favorite game. I do understand why. After a while he quietly came close to me and ....
- Boooohoooooo!!!!!
I jumped which sent him into a fits of the giggles. Mischievous little rascal

piątek, 3 stycznia 2014

The One with the Sentimental Mummy

It was Sunday evening. I was walking home after spending weekend away at University in Warsaw. I was exhausted after so many hours of listening and taking notes and remembering the stuff I wanted to forget the minute I heard them. And 2,5hr bus ride.
The village was so quiet and deserted. It brought back the memories of the times when I was maybe 6 or 7 and The Dynasty was on. Every Sunday at 5pm there would be no one on the streets. Entire village were glued to the TVs watching the intrigues between Crystal Carrington and Alexis. 
The snow was quietly falling down on the iced pavement and crunching beneath my feet. If I'd stay still I could probably hear the snowflakes landing. I looked at our house, warm light seeping through the living room window, my little boy probably playing with his new train set inside and I felt pure happiness. I had a place I could call "home". There were people waiting for me inside, with a hot dinner and a cup of tea ready to warm my cold hands. And most of all, there was this little man whose face would lit up when he sees me, saying "Mama" in this tiny, sweet voice of his. Warm, soft arms would wrap around my legs and wouldn't let go.

Later on, when I was putting him to bed he pointed to the pillow next to his saying:" Mama, here". "You want me to lay next to you?' I asked. 'uhm' he smiled. Then he grabbed my hand and laid his cheek on it forcing me to kneel next to his bed. I had no choice but to put my head next to his. And we just laid there, with one eye buried in the pillow, staring at each other with the other eye, our noses almost touching. 'Mama.Adam' he kept repeating happy that I was so close to him. I stayed like that until he's eyelids become too heave to keep them up. Slowly I retreated my numb hand from underneath him and left the room. I left the door ajar and watched him falling asleep. The most beautiful sight in the world.

I left my little boy at my parents' today hoping to get some stuff done while I'm alone. I despise these exams. They rob me from that precious time I could be spending with my little boy and no, I do not feel any wiser. I know I will forget all of it as soon as I put the pen down after the last exam is finished. 

czwartek, 2 stycznia 2014

The One with Sleeping Under the Christmas Tree

We're staying at my Mum's. Tigger and me. I'm studying to some preposterous mid-term exams and his playing with Grandparents. Going through some reading assignments (i.e. something about the Chinese grammar) I just wonder what the heck is actually my major. Well, I won't win with the system so better just do it right? Anyway... Putting my Nugget to sleep wasn't an easy task. It never is. this little man just hates sleeping and I really mean hates it. since he was a wee thing he would fight with all his might to stay awake. He sill does. He just wants to stay with me. I don't blame him. I like to stay with him as well, but hey little man, you do need to charge your batteries or you will make our lives pretty miserable. 
He's sleeping in a room with the Christmas Tree. I remember being little girl (I was maybe 4 or 5) used to love to sleep under the tree. I would take my fav pillow, the one my Mum made for me when I was born (still have it and it travels with me everywhere I go. Fiance thinks it looks awful, which it does but I love it too much. It just has the perfect shape, and fits my head and it's always cold which is THE best), and my monkey and I would just lay under the tree and look at the lights and fall asleep. It looked like Tigger wanted to do exactly the same. My boy. He just laid on the floor and refused to be moved. So I put some extra blankets there and laid with him, his warm, soft hand in mine, stroking his hair and telling him the adventures of a little yellow tractor (obviously it had to be a tractor these days). I felt like that 5 year old again. I looked at my sleeping boy, so peaceful and content and couldn't believe his actually mine. How did you get there? 

And today he just surprised me with drawing this perfect little tractor. all by himself. Not too bad for two year old huh? I am very proud Mummy today.