piątek, 1 sierpnia 2014

The One With the L Word

I've been waiting patiently for them for so long, wondering how would he do it? Would he be in the middle of playing and drop them like a rock he was playing with? Carelessly, like no biggy? Or would he be crying and yell them out of the sadness and desperation? Or maybe he would use them against me trying to win me over and having it his way?
It turned out I was wrong all the way and didn't know my little boy at all.

Him, being his usual sweet self has chosen the quiet moment when there was just two of us. No witness of another most happy moment of our lives. He was already chatting to Morpheus, settled in his bed. The night lamp glowing gently in the corner, lullaby whispered quietly in the background. He was still tossing and turning trying to find that perfect position and still asking for a gazillion time "mama, you know what?" when out of a sudden he reached across, grabbed my hand, squishing his little face into it and whispered the most precious words in the world " I love you mama. I love you. You're such a darling"

My heart has melted and dripped to the floor in million droplets, each one reverberating with his tiny voice saying those words.  

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