czwartek, 15 maja 2014

The One with the Morning

So, these days I spend my days trying to memorize useless facts and definitions for my Saturday exam. It got me question why did I wanted to get my MA in first place. I believe the answer is "I seriously though I would get bored being  at home with a toddler". 

I must have been under the wrong impression (like most of the men are) that phrase "staying at home with a child (or more acurate its Polish translation which is sitting at home" has anything to do with sitting. Or standing. Whoever has a toddler knows what I'm talking about. 
These days it's running after your toddler as he is so fast on his pedalless bike it's incredible. 

Last night I stayed up late in an attempt to memorize the characteristics of a written and spoken language and some something or other hoping for some good morning sleep. Rrrright. I must have forgotten to inform Tigger about my plans as he woke up at 3.30AM. No comment to that. 

"Mama, hat -he said pointing at the window -I want outside"
" no sweety, it's still dark. It's nighttime pumpkin. Go back to sleep" 

And he tried, bless his soul. He tossed and turned and cuddled. Until 4am. Sharp. When all the birds just got up and started to chirp. Honestly. Do they have an alarm clock or something? Not 4:05, not even 3:56. But 4:00. It was enough for Tigger to get up, look at the world lighting outside and start the pleading. 

"Mama, outside. Look, it's day now"  yes, he started to use all the syllables available and even composing some sentences. 
Well, my eyelids begged to differ and didn't want to open. Tigger, discouraged by lack of cooperation on my side walked straight to his Grandpa's bedroom and that was all I saw of him for the next three hours.  Thanks Daddy. 

Oh and I've ordered my wedding dress.  It's getting sewn that very minute. Exciting.  I guess it's getting real now

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