poniedziałek, 10 sierpnia 2015

We don't like Mondays

Tigger and Mondays don't go well together. I thought it could be heat (another week of 35C+ temperatures) or just the age (nearly 4). But after few week observation I can states with certainty: it's Monday thing. He wakes up happy as a puppy, with his - Hi Mom, I haven't seen you for so long - whispered inches from my face. And long, warm hugs. And as the day progresses he gets more and more irritated and I do the same. 
I guess it's difficult on him to switch from I -have-all-the-time-in-the-world-for-you Sunday to not-now-in-a-sec-just-wait Monday. And I hate it. the fact that Monday demands so much of my attention and time. Stealing it from Tigger. 
And when we finally sit down together marveling about a book or his Duplo construction my mind wander to the tasks I had to do that morning and I fail to even remember all of them. So were they really necessary or were they so mundane I have already forgotten but without doing them I wouldn't be able to sit there and then with squishy boy on my lap?

So Monday, you may have already heard that so I just wanted to remind you We don't like you in the form you currently are and will be grateful if you could work on it in the future. Do we have an agreement? 

Thank you
