środa, 10 września 2014

The One with the First

Being a parent to a toddler is a wonderful thing. All those firsts I can experience with him and through his eyes. I hope it won't wear off any time soon and the firsts of the second and third child would amaze me all the same. 
Two nights ago I was watching a movie and was about to go to bed when I heard the 'tap tap tap' of his bare tiny feet on the floor. So we watched the movie cuddled together and then we danced in his dark room lit by the oh-so-bright almost full moon. His warm hands holding my neck, his head resting comfortably on my shoulder. We just danced and swirled and singed quietly. Perfect moment I didn't want to end even though I was exhausted and my eyes begged me for some rest.
"Mommy, how does the Moon move?" - he asked quietly.  So we went into a story about Earth movements and the Sun while we turned and swirled and laughed.

Last week he started the pre-school. We had gazillion conversations about it to prepare him for this big step. He already knew the place or at least the playground as it's located only three houses down the road and we often went there in the Summer. To make the experience even more fun I sewed him Dora's backpack completed with a map telling him how to get there. (pattern will be available soon on www.dloobanko.blogspot.com as soon as I can get my scanner to work)

We packed his giraffe there in case of emergency hug and off we went. As we had a massive come back of separation anxiety lately due to me coming back to work I was worried about leaving him there. Well, he had his own vision of it. As always. He just entered the playroom, grabbed the tractor (which is by far his favorite, right?) and that was it. No kiss, no wave, no 'bye Mom', no tears. Just ... nothing. We came back home - big, empty and ringing with silence and I just burst into tears. Never thought it would be so difficult. To let him go, cut the umbilical cord, trust someone else to take care of my sweet boy.

Only yesterday he was this teeny tiny sloth sleeping all day long on my chest. I blinked and he's a pre-schooler now. What's next? I blink again and he's married?

I wanted to take him home after two hours max but M said we should leave him at least till the soup at 11am. I didn't know what to do with myself so I invited my neighbor Mary (mum of Tiger's best friend) for a coffee to take my mind of it. Her older boy was already a third-year pre-schooler so she had all of it behind her. She went there after us and when Tiger saw her boy he ran towards him yelling happily "Look, I'm here too". When we went there to take him home he was so excited and happy, showing me everything and telling about his day. "I ate soup, Mom. All by myself". I could tell by the amount of it he had on his shirt. The rest of the week was the same. On the fifth day the headmistress told me that I had an amazing boy, so happy and serene. He wants to do everything by himself and when other kids starts the crying chain reaction he never joins them. I was so proud. I may have  swelled to the size of a flying balloon.

This week he's staying home as he already caught the cold bug. The joys of the pre-school.